Categorie: Blog

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «Blog»

santé éducation
06/02/2025 10:09

Health and longevity: 5 foods

Food is the key to health. All the foods given by God to mankind are the first medicines in terms of health prevention. In the tropics, there are many foods, herbs, vegetables, spices and plants that grow from the earth. In many parts of Africa, part

santé éducation
17/01/2025 16:16

What is a healthy, balanced diet today?

The term « balanced diet » is as much about what we eat as how we eat it. It's about covering your body's nutritional needs with a healthy, varied diet, but also ensuring that your body has enough energy throughout the day. Beware of red meat, salt,

santé éducation
06/12/2024 13:04

8 hours without protein, be careful!

Proteins are the only vital nutrient; the human body does not know how to synthesise them, nor does it know where to put them or where to store them. So during the 8 hours or after a meal, they are always present in the circulating blood.

santé éducation
06/12/2024 12:32

Choosing healthy foods for the festive season

French nutritionist Dr Pierre Dukan once wrote that ‘when a man puts on weight, it's mainly because he eats too much and stores his excess calories in the form of fat’. So what should you eat over the festive period, or how should you combine foods t

santé éducation
03/12/2024 20:03

WAD 2024: ‘Follow the path of rights’.

La Journée mondiale de lutte contre le sida (JMS) a été célébrée le 1er décembre 2024 dans le monde entier. Au Togo, le secrétariat permanent du Conseil National de Lutte contre le Sida (SP/CNLS-IST) a animé une conférence de presse le vendredi 29 no

santé éducation
09/11/2022 17:28

Jumping rope to stay in shape

If you want to get back into sport or add a little cardio to your workouts, think skipping rope! In its adult version, this childhood toy can be used to work on endurance. The heart and respiratory system are strongly solicited in this intense activi

santé éducation
29/10/2024 16:41

Togo: the School Assur programme becomes School AMU

The Togolese government has decided to improve health cover for pupils in state schools. In Togo, the School Assur programme, which has been running since 2017 to provide health cover for pupils in public schools, has just been integrated into the na

santé éducation
18/09/2024 13:02

Breastfeeding to prevent diabetes in mothers

L'allaitement maternel joue un rôle significatif dans la prévention du diabète chez les mères. Plusieurs études ont démontré que l'allaitement peut réduire le risque de développer un diabète de type 2 après la grossesse.

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